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  1. A Little White LieA Little White Lie by Titish A.K.
    My rating: 2 of 5 stars

    Title: A Little White Lie
    Author: Titish A. K.
    Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
    Pages: 272 pages
    Published: March 2007

    "A Little White Lie" follows the story of Ocha, a first year high schooler. After a basketball incident, she becomes acquintance with Adit, one of the hottie at school with many fans, including Pia, Ocha's bestfriend.

    With a little luck, Ocha finds out Adit's cell phone number, which was difficult to get. At first Ocha wanted to sell the number to his fans, but later she decides to "terrorize" Adit as a revenge by miscalling him again and again. When Adit starts a conversation via SMS, a relationship begins to develop.


    Recently I feel a little bit "tired" on reading. When I say "tired", it means that I try to avoid books that I feel "heavy" or difficult to read and prefer a lighter one. Like this book, for example.

    I think the story is easy to follow. It was quite light and very teenage-ish, which brought a lot of memory. I wish there were more interactions between Ocha and Adit. Also, I think Adit's messages are kinda "girlish" and I kinda giggled when Adit supposedly send a picture of himself and the author (or the publisher?) decided to use a manga style character.

    Overall, the story was ok and enjoyable.

    This book is for the following reading challenges:
    - 2013 New Authors Reading Challenge
    - 2013 Indonesian Romance Reading Challenge
    - 2013 Color Coded Reading Challenge

    View all my reviews

  2. 2 comments :

    1. pas baca ini aku ngerasa ya-ampun-kok-gue-tua-banget-ya :D

    2. Biondy said...

      @Mbak Desty: Berarti perkiraan umur Mbak Desty adalah... *beep *dikeplak

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